Its funny how life sometimes interferes with the things we want to do. I was really hoping that this weekend would see the final touches for the Harvey Ellis Dresser but as I said, life has a way of getting in the way. I won't laundry list the things that kept me out of the shop last weekend and today but I wanted to tell you about a good friend of mine that left us last weekend.
Griffon was my 15 year old
Australian Sheppard and he had been suffering from an inner ear infection for two weeks, his vet did everything that they could but he just didn't recover from it. Finally last Saturday he started refusing all food and water. He had lost 15 lbs in two weeks and couldn't keep up on his feet. Griffon was a very kind soul that was loved by everyone that met him. I have never had a more gentle dog. He loved cats and little kids, and anytime he met a dog he would pull to go over and say hi. His very favorite thing was to get his belly rubbed, and amazingly enough he would go out on the screened in porch through the cat door. I'm sure that right now he's rolling in the grass up in doggie heaven.
I did get some woodworking done since my last post, I planed the maple for the drawer sides to 5/8 inches thick and cut the sides and back for the two smallest of the large drawers. I had to glue up the sides for the 9 1/2 inch drawer. I cut the dovetails for the 8 drawer and today I sanded the inside and glued it up. Maybe tomorrow I'll get the other two drawers glued up but then I'm off to San Francisco for a week for work, so that shoots next weekend all to heck too. But I promise you that this thing will be done, oiled and waxed, and shipped off before Memorial Day. I wonder what I'm going to make next. I haven't really given it much thought yet, but I think its time for something small. This has been the longest, most complex build yet, but its coming out great.
God will not look you over for medals degrees or diplomas, but for scars. Elbert Hubbard
So sorry to hear about your loss. My dogs are my kids and very much a part of our family and I had a scare when I took one of mine to the vet this past week. Everything turned out fine, but for a few days it was pretty sad around here. I did find that working in my shop help ease that. Keep your chin up!
sorry to hear about your dog.
Have a good trip.
I am so sorry to hear about Griffon. He sounds like he was such a sweetie!
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